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Electrical Contractor Insurance

Save up to 40% on Electrical Contractor Insurance. PBIB can quote your insurance using several insurance companies to provide you with the best deal and the coverage that best suits your needs. Every policy has adjustable payment options, such as yearly or monthly payments.

We typically recommend the following coverage for Electrical Contractor

Our objective at PBIB is to offer you the ideal coverage to safeguard your Electricians business from loss. As brokers, we have access to various insurance programs to meet your specific insurance requirements. To protect your Electrical Contractor business from losses, we advise the following coverage, including property damage, personal injury, employee injuries, loss or damage to vehicles or equipment, legal fees, and indemnity.

  • General Liability
  • Workers Compensation
  • Commercial Auto
  • Professional Liability
  • Tools and Equipment
  • Property
  • Bonding


Save up to 40% on Electrical Contractor Insurance

If you’re an electrical contractor, you know how important it is to have insurance to protect your business from unforeseen risks. But finding affordable and comprehensive coverage can be a challenge.

That’s where PBIB comes in. PBIB is an insurance provider that specializes in coverage for electrical contractors. With PBIB, you can save up to 40% on your insurance premiums while still getting the coverage you need to protect your business.


General Liability

Occurrence Limit $1,000,000
Product Completed Ops $2,000,000
Each Occurence Limit $1,000,000

Worker’s Compensation

Limits $1,000,000

Commercial Auto

Limits $1,000,000

Tools & Equipment

Limit $10,000

Excess Liability

Limit $1,000,000


  1. The restrictions for tools and equipment should be changed to reflect the actual cost of the tools and equipment that the contractor owns, rents, or leases.
  2. Excess Liability should be considered if the potential loss exceeds $1,000,000 or if carrying a certain level of excess liability is required by contract.
  3. Unless the GC (General Contractor) provides Design-Build, Construction Management, or other consulting services, professional liability is typically not required.


We offer services to help you get the business insurance coverage you need.

General Liability for Electrical Contractors

General Liability is the most important insurance coverage for electricians because it protects your business from third-party claims such as property damage or jury verdicts because of your work product. It only takes one minor hiccup to permanently alter the course of your business. If a third party suffers bodily harm or property destruction because of your company’s negligence, the resulting lawsuit could seriously harm, if not destroy, your business. Our general liability insurance will protect your business assets, your employees, and your overall company from vulnerable circumstances and devastating lawsuits.

In some states or counties where you work as an Electrical Contractor, having General Liability insurance may be a legal requirement. PBIB offers comprehensive certificate services during weekdays and self-service certificates available 24/7, which we refer to as “Insurance on your time”.

General Liability for Electricians can help you pay for:

  • Medical payments for 3rd party injuries
  • Property damage to 3rd party property
  • Legal fees and defense






Worker’s Compensation for Electrical Contractors

As an electrical contractor, you face a variety of potential risks and hazards on the job site. Accidents can happen, no matter how careful you and your team may be. That’s why it’s important to ensure that you have the proper insurance coverage in place, including workers’ compensation.

Workers’ compensation insurance is designed to provide financial protection to employees who suffer from work-related injuries or illnesses. This coverage can help pay for medical expenses, lost wages, and other related costs. It also provides benefits to the families of employees who may have died because of their work.

As an electrical contractor, you and your team may be exposed to a range of hazards, including electrical shock, falls from heights, and burns. By having workers’ compensation coverage in place, you can help protect your business from financial losses associated with workplace accidents.

Depending on the state or county where you operate, having workers’ compensation insurance may be a requirement for maintaining your electrical contractor license. At PBIB, we offer convenient full-service certificates during regular business hours, as well as 24/7 self-service certificates to provide you with the flexibility to manage your insurance needs on your own time. We call this “Insurance on Your Time”.

Workers’ Compensation for Electricians can help you pay for:

  • Medical expenses of your injured employees
  • Disability & Retraining of your employee.
  • Lost wages
  • Survivor benefit
  • Employer liability







Commercial Auto for Electrical Contractors

At PBIB, we understand the vital role your company vehicles play in enabling your Electricians to efficiently transport themselves, their materials, and tools to worksites. We recognize the significance of your wheeled workforce and offer comprehensive insurance coverage to protect you in the event of damage or theft, ensuring that you can quickly get back to work.

As a committed provider of insurance solutions for electricians, we understand the importance of obtaining Commercial Auto insurance for your operations, as it is often a mandatory requirement for various projects. We are dedicated to making the insurance process as streamlined as possible, which is why we offer full-service insurance certificates during regular business hours, allowing you to commence work promptly.

We recognize that your time is valuable. Therefore, we also provide 24/7 self-service certificates that enable you to access insurance coverage at your convenience. We believe in giving you the flexibility to manage your insurance needs on your schedule, so you can focus on your work with peace of mind.

Commercial Auto for Electricians can help you pay for:

  • Hired & Non-Owned Auto, Legal defense from employees driving their own vehicles.
  • Medical expenses from injuries
  • Collision repairs to your and 3rd party vehicles
  • Legal fees & Defense
  • Rental vehicle reimbursement


Tools & Equipment for Electrical Contractors

Electrical contractors rely on a range of specialized tools and equipment to perform their work, from wire cutters and crimpers to electrical testers and power drills. Given the high value and importance of these tools, it’s crucial to have insurance coverage in place to protect them against damage, loss, or theft.

Electrical contractors need specialized tools and equipment. Tools and equipment insurance provides coverage for damage, loss, or theft. Policy coverage varies and may include loss of income. When buying this insurance, consider specific needs, coverage, deductible, and policy limits. It’s essential for any electrical contractor to protect their business and livelihood.

Tools & Equipment Insurance for Electricians can help you pay for damaged or stolen:

  • Tools & Equipment owned or rented by you.
  • Employee tools and equipment (Optional)
  • Borrowed equipment (Optional)
  • Cost of renting interim equipment (Optional)


Professional Liability for Electrical Contractors
Professional liability is a type of insurance that protects businesses and individuals who provide professional services against claims of negligence or errors and omissions. For electrical contractors, professional liability insurance can provide coverage for legal expenses, settlements, and judgments arising from a claim of professional negligence or failure to perform work in a professional manner.

Electrical contractors are responsible for designing, installing, and maintaining electrical systems in various settings, from residential homes to commercial buildings. If a mistake is made or an error in judgment occurs, an electrical contractor may face a lawsuit or claim from a client.

Professional Liability Insurance for Electricians can help you pay for damaged or stolen:

  • Protection against Legal risk
  • Coverage for claims and financial risk related to errors and omissions in their work.


License Bonds for Electrical Contractors

Most states require a license bond to obtain or maintain your contractor license. The license bond ensures that you will not violate any state laws or run away with a customer’s deposit.

A license bond can be obtained for as little as $70, but the cost increases depending on personal credit, license history, and the contractor’s classification.

We write all types of bonds (performance and payment, among others), simply enter your state and the type of bond required, or choose from a list, and get an instant quote and bind online in minutes.
