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Siding & Decking Contractor

Looking for affordable and comprehensive insurance for your siding and decking contracting business? PBIB can help you save up to 40% on your insurance premiums! As a standard practice, we search multiple insurance carriers to provide you with the best price and coverage tailored to your specific needs. Plus, our policies offer flexible payment terms, including annual or monthly payments.

We typically recommend the following coverage for Siding & Decking Contractor

At PBIB, our top priority is to offer you the right insurance coverage to safeguard your Siding & Decking Contractors business from any potential loss. As expert insurance brokers, we don’t limit ourselves to a single insurance program, but rather assess various options to find the perfect match for your unique insurance needs. To ensure complete protection for your business, we highly recommend the following insurance coverages that will cover any property damage, personal injury, employee injuries, damage or loss to vehicles or tools & equipment, as well as legal fees and indemnity:

  • General Liability
  • Workers Compensation
  • Commercial Auto
  • Professional Liability
  • Tools and Equipment
  • Property
  • Bonding


Save up to 40% on Siding & Decking Contractor Insurance

PBIB will typically use numerous insurance companies to quote your insurance to give you the greatest deal and coverage for your specific needs. Each policy has adjustable payment options, such as yearly or monthly payments.



General Liability

Occurence Limit $1,000,000
Product Completed Ops $2,000,000
Each Occurence Limit $1,000,000

Worker’s Compensation

Limit $1,000,000

Commercial Auto

Limit $1,000,000

Tools & Equipment

Limit $10,000

Excess Liability

Limit $1,000,000


  1. Tools and Equipment limits should be adjusted to the actual value of the Tools and Equipment owned, leased, or rented by the Contractor.
  2. Excess Liability should be considered for exposures to loss that exceed $1,000,000, or contractual requirements dictate the amount of excess liability must be carried.
  3. Professional Liability is usually not needed unless the GC is performing Design-Build, Construction Management, or other consulting services.


We offer services to help you get the business insurance coverage you need.

General Liability for Siding & Decking Contractors

For Decking & Siding Specialists, Comprehensive Liability Insurance is crucial to defend your enterprise against third-party claims such as property devastation, or injury stemming from your workmanship. A single unfortunate incident can drastically alter your business trajectory. If a third-party suffers physical harm or property damage due to your company’s actions, a subsequent lawsuit could severely damage or even obliterate your organization. Our comprehensive liability coverage prioritizes safeguarding your business assets, workforce, and entire company from precarious situations and disastrous legal actions.

Mandatory General Liability coverage may be required for your Deck & Siding Contractor license within your operating state or county. PBIB offers all-inclusive certificate services Monday through Friday, as well as 24/7 self-service options, providing what we term “Insurance Tailored to Your Schedule.”

General Liability for Siding & Decking Contractors can help you pay for:

  • Medical payments for 3rd party injuries
  • Property damage to 3rd party property
  • Legal fees and defense





Worker’s Compensation for Siding & Decking Contractors

We offer top-tier insurance policies in the sector, designed to shield you and your employees in case of accidents or health issues. Workers’ Compensation covers staff medical expenses and helps recover lost wages, enabling them to bounce back. In case of legal action, workers’ comp also safeguards your business. Choose us for a policy that defends both you and your team.

For those without employees but in need of Workers’ Compensation coverage, we have solutions tailored to your needs, providing the protection your client’s demand.

Workers’ Compensation may be a prerequisite for your Deck & Siding Contractor license within your operating state or county. PBIB delivers all-inclusive certificate services Monday through Friday, as well as 24/7 self-service options, offering what we refer to as “Insurance Customized to Your Schedule.”

Workers’ Compensation for Siding & Decking Contractors can help you pay for:

  • Medical expenses of your injured employees
  • Disability & Retraining of your employee.
  • Lost wages
  • Survivor benefit
  • Employer liability




Commercial Auto for Siding & Decking Contractors

Operating your Deck & Siding Contractor business is unthinkable without reliable company vehicles to transport you, your materials, and equipment to the worksite. At PBIB, we understand the significance of your mobile team and offer the necessary insurance to ensure coverage in case of vehicular damage or theft, swiftly getting you back to work.

Commercial Auto Insurance is an essential coverage for Deck & Siding Specialists, often mandated for numerous projects. We supply comprehensive insurance certificate services Monday through Friday to keep you operational, along with 24/7 self-service options, delivering what we refer to as “Insurance Tailored to Your Schedule.”

Commercial Auto for Siding & Decking Contractors can help you pay for:

  • Hired & Non-Owned Auto, Legal defense from employees driving their own vehicles.
  • Medical expenses from injuries
  • Collision repairs to your and 3rd party vehicles
  • Legal fees & Defense
  • Rental vehicle reimbursement


Tools & Equipment for Siding & Decking Contractors

Insurance for Deck & Siding Specialists’ tools and equipment is crafted to safeguard your valuable portable assets. Inland marine insurance, also referred to as tools and equipment coverage, defends your diligent investments against prevalent hazards such as theft and damage, whether on location, in storage, or during transit to and from your project site.

Tools & Equipment for Siding & Decking Contractors can help you pay for damaged or stolen:

  • Tools & Equipment owned or rented by you.
  • Employee tools and equipment (Optional)
  • Borrowed equipment (Optional)
  • Cost of renting interim equipment (Optional)


Professional Liability for Siding & Decking Contractors

In the competitive world of siding and decking construction, maintaining a solid reputation is essential for long-term success. Professional Liability Insurance, also known as Errors & Omissions (E&O) coverage, is specifically designed to protect contractors in the event of negligence, errors, or omissions that may occur during the execution of their work.

As a Siding & Decking Contractor, you are responsible for providing high-quality craftsmanship that adheres to industry standards. However, even the most skilled professionals can make mistakes or face unforeseen issues. In such situations, clients may hold you accountable for any financial losses or damages resulting from your work. Without proper protection, a single lawsuit could devastate your business.

Professional Liability Insurance can help your business with:

  • Protection against Legal risk
  • Coverage for claims and financial risk related to errors and omissions in their work.


License Bonds for Siding & Decking Contractors

A contractor license bond is typically mandated by most states to secure or uphold your contractor permit. This license bond ensures that you will not breach any state regulations or abscond with a client’s down payment.

License bond prices can start as low as $70, but the cost may increase based on factors such as personal credit, licensing history, and the contractor’s classification.

We provide a comprehensive range of bonds (including performance & payment bonds, among others). Simply input your state and required bond type, or choose from a list, to receive an instant quote and complete the online binding process within minutes.
